Safety, Quality and Innovation
Contribute to community and fulfill social responsibility
Recently, we are doing the business as below
In these few years, the demand for the construction industry is increasing rapidly in Macau.
This small city is developing from a gambling city and become an international tourist destination for leisure and business activities. Therefore, we are here to help our city to build and construct a better and beautiful Macau.
Wing Hing is one of Macau’s famous construction and civil engineering company, which is established in 1990. We are providing several services include construction and builder works, steel structure, interior design and decoration works, MEP works and Maintenance and renovation works. We are developing and expanding our business throughout Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China in the past twenty years. We have been accumulating the experiences in different areas. The wide range of construction include commercial buildings, hotels, casinos, industrial buildings, medical institutions, residential buildings and the public facilities.
我們致力: 為客戶創造價值及提供優質服務
We are committed to: Creating value for our customers and delivering quality services at high standard
Our core values form the foundation of our success which is including:
鞏固了公司的核心價值觀,概括了所有員工應該具有的道德行為標準,同時為我們工作的各項決策提供了清晰的框架。 我們堅持樂觀積極的態度,堅守誠實廉正的信念,並矢志以優質服務,贏取各方的尊重。
Reinforces our values, it outlines the standards of ethical behavior expected of all employees and gives us a clear framework for making decisions in all aspects of our work. We uphold a can-do attitude with integrity and are committed to delivering quality that will earn the respect.
通過提高各級人員的安全意識,我們始終保持對工作環境的評估,確保員工的健康和安全,避免將其置於一個危險環境中。 一旦發現存在安全風險,我們將共同合作,尋找有效方式將其消除或對風險進行控制。
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for every one of our people with the aim of eliminating all permanent injuries. Through strong safety leadership at all levels, we are constantly assessing the workplace for health and safety risks that can place our people in danger. Once the risks are identified, we work together to find innovative ways to eliminate or control those risks.
機械名稱 Description |
總數量 Qty |
Excavator (挖掘機) | 52 |
Dozer (推土機) | 2 |
Roller (火轆) | 2 |
Lorry Crane (軩式吊車) | 2 |
Generator (發電機) | 5 |
Bobcat (貓仔) | 7 |
Tractor (拖頭) | 1 |
Dump truck (泥頭車) | 25 |
Water truck (水車) | 2 |
Diesel Welding machine (焊接機) | 28 |
Tripper truck (2.8T貨車) | 5 |
Crawler crane (鏈板吊機) | 3 |
Fork lifting (叉車) | 10 |
Scissor Lift (升降臺) | 6 |
Vibration hammer (震夾) | 2 |
我們主要的客戶為澳門特別行政區政府部門、美高梅、永利、銀河酒店渡假村及一些中小企客戶。 由於客戶廣泛,所以我們的建築包括酒店、賭場、商業及住宅建築物及不同設施及其內部設計工程。
Our clients are mainly Macau SAR Government Department, MGM, Wynn, Galaxy and small medium Business. The wide range of construction include commercial buildings, hotels, casinos, residential buildings and different facilities and interior design works.
光輝集團商業中心16樓A, B座
Address: Alameda Dr. Carlos D Assumpcao, ns 181-187
Centro Comercial do Grupo Brithantismo 16 Andar A,B, Macau
TEL: (853) 28316759 / (853) 28755849
聯系人: 謝先生、江先生
Contact: Mr. Tsea, Mr. Kong
逢一至五 上午9時~下午6時
Mon. - Fri. 9am to 6pm
周六 上午9時~12時
Sat. 9am to 12am
Sun. Closed